Interface Server

The Django Channels IRC interface server acts as an IRC Client, converting incoming messages to channels and translating outgoing messages from channels message format to valid IRC messages. Starting it as simple as running:


in the command line.


-a, --application
 (Required) Import string pointing to the project’s default ASGI application. Should be in the form of It can also be set by the CHANNELS_IRC_APPLICATION env variable.
--multi Flag for using the MultiConnectionClient instead of the default ChannelsIRCClient. This client allows you to create and manage multiple IRC connections, rather than simply auto-connecting to a single provided server.
-s, --server (Required when –multi flag is not used) This is the address of the IRC server to connect to. It can be also set by the CHANNELS_IRC_SERVER env variable
-p, --port (Required when –multi flag is not used) Port number of the IRC server to connect to. It can be also set by the CHANNELS_IRC_PORT env variable
-n, --nickname (Required –when multi flag is not used) Nickname on the IRC Server. This will be used for authentication. It can also be set by the CHANNELS_IRC_NICKNAME env variable.
--password Password for authentication on the IRC Server.
--username Username for the IRC Server. If none is provided, the value of nickname will be used.
-r, --realname Real name on the IRC Server. If none is provided, the value of for nickname will be used.
-v, --verbosity
 How verbose to make the output. Valid options are 0 (WARN), 1 (INFO), and 2 (DEBUG). Default is 1
 Flag to set whether to automatically reconnect to the server if disconnected. It can also be set with the CHANNELS_IRC_RECONNECT env variable.
 Time between reconnection attempts (in seconds). Default is 60. It can also be set with the CHANNELS_IRC_RECONNECT_DELAY env variable.